KVA لسببين : 1- أن قدرة المحول تعتمد على المفاقيد وتتكون المفاقيد فى المحول من نوعين هما المفاقيد النحاسيه cupper losses و المفاقيد الحديديه Iron losses حيث تعتمد المفاقيد النحاسيه( I²R) على التيار بينما تعتمد. VA to kW calculation formula. The real power P in kilowatts (kW) is equal to the apparent power S in kilovolt-amps (kVA), times the power factor PF: P (kW) = S (kVA) × PF. So kilowatts are equal to kilovolt-amps times the power factor.

How to Calculate CT Ratio. Current transformers, or CTs, are transformers used to step down the current level of high-power transmission systems to measure or monitor the current levels. CTs are required because standard current measuring devices are not configured to measure high-current levels. Kva betyr desse orda på arabisk ( ). Comment on الدرس الثاني في الجيوجبرا.
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With a very important tutorial. I hope you will find it very useful because I have already spent two days to prepare this article.