Thursday, August 23, 2018

Alice in wonderland short story

Suddenly, a white rabbit passes by, checking his watch and lamenting that he is going to be late. Present are the March Hare , the Hatter , and the Dormouse. The creatures of the Mad Tea Party are some of the must argumentative in all of Wonderland.

The Rabbit pulled a watch out of his pocket to check the time. Stories and Illustrations found on this site are exclusive to Bedtime- Story Reproduction of any content without the express. In the garden there is a table, set with many places.

In the middle of the table there is a teapot and. There are also brea butter and jam. She finds learning poems and listening to literature boring. She prefers stories with pictures and to live inside her imagination.

One day, while enduring just such a poetry reading, she spots a large white rabbit. He interrupts a business meeting about foreign trade routes to tuck her back into be where he tells her that she is ma but that all the best people are. Through Alice’s adventure, we come to meet different characters that she encounters and even understand their traits better.

This was a short story I wrote for my creative writing class, and I decided to publish it.

DISCLAIMER - I do not own any of the characters other than Olivia, her mom, her brother, and her cat. She drank it and turned into a tiny little girl. She was amazed as soon as she opened her eyes.

She ran until she reached a garden. In Wonderland , she meets an assortment of strange characters, including the Cheshire Cat, who advises her to attend a tea party thrown by the March Hare. Alice is a daydreaming young girl. As she is reading she sees over her sister’s shoulder, a White Rabbit in a waistcoat running by. The White Rabbit pulls a watch out of his pocket and says that he is late.

With that, he jumps into the rabbit hole. The book represents the idea of growing up and the challenges people face on the adventure through adulthood. Prompt one: A strange light appeared in the sky. A story of a young girl who is forced to leave her home.

Thirteen-year-old Sloan goes to find her birth mother. But this wonderland was completely different from the one she read in her story books. This one was a twisted version of it. Read alice in wonderland.

But why do so many see adult themes in the story , asks Sophie.

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