Types of Piles: Their Characteristics and General Use. GRAND , Hardesty and Hanover This paper presents a review of the current practice and usage of the numerous types of pile in general construction. Information on this sub ject was obtained from a review of existing literature and from field ex perience.

Lecture Note COSC 4(M.E. Haque ) 2. They consist of two components: Pile cap and single or group of piles. When engineered correctly, a deep foundation anchored with the correct helical pile design will last for many years. Choosing an improper helical pile design can lead to devastating. Followings are the types of pile foundation used in construction: Based on Function or Use.
Pile foundations can be classified based on function, materials and installation process, etc. There are three types of pile foundations according to their construction methods which are driven piles , cast-in-situ piles , and driven and cast-in-situ piles. Driven pile foundations can be made from concrete , steel or timber.
These piles are prefabricated before placing at the construction site. There are two fundamental types of pile foundations (based on structural behaviour), each of which works in its own way. In end bearing piles , the bottom end of the pile rests on a layer of especially strong soil or rock.
The load of the building is transferred through the pile onto the strong layer. Pure friction piles tend to be quite long, since the load-carrying. Capacity is a function of the shaft area in contact with the soil. Deep foundations include piles, pile walls, diaphragm walls and caissons.
Various types of concrete piles Fig. Foundations: Types and Considerations Dr. Fender Piles : Classification based on materials and composition: a. Concrete Piles : Cast-in-situ concrete piles Raymon standard piles Mac-Arthur cased pile Uncased cast-in-situ. Table 9-provides a discussion of driven pile versus drilled shafts for various subsurface conditions.
CIP pile types with emphasis on drilled shafts. Cast in place concrete piles are the most type commonly used for foundations due to the great diversity available for pouring concrete and the introduction of the pile into the soil. Broadly speaking, all foundations are divided into two categories: shallow foundations and deep foundations. The words shallow and deep refer to the depth of soil in which the foundation is made. Shallow foundations can be made in depths of as little as 3ft (1m), while deep foundations can be made at depths of - 200ft.

Most of the structure consist of two parts, one above the ground which is known as super structure and the other sub-structure of the foundation which lies below the ground level. Depending upon their function, the different types of piles are, Bearing piles. A pile hammer is used to drive the piles into the ground displacing the soil in equal volume to the mass of the pile. Classification of Pile Based on Function or action. Piles may be classified in a number of ways based on different criteria: 1. The following classification is based on function or action.
Dynamic Load Test The ultimate strength of each pile must fulfill the structural and geotechnical limits for a safe foundation to perform as required. Normally all deep foundations are referred us pile foundation. Caisson or pier foundations are often used in large construction under water bodies such as river, sea. These type of foundations are used in bridges and large structures (metro train projects) where a long cylindrical casing will be inserted and then poured with concrete along with reinforcement. Pile is a slender member with small area of cross-section relative to its length.
They can transfer load either by friction or by bearing.
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