The remaining market share is dominated by the reverse osmosis (RO) process. A desalination plant turns salt water (brackish or seawater) into fresh water (potable or. distillate water). Technology is still under development) Water desalination: when and where Will it Make Sense?
Saline water is classified as either brackish water or seawater depending on the salinity and water source. Demister Distillate out Brine out Vapour Condenser tubes. Stage modeling thermodynamic ideal case.
Most of the existing desalination plants use this method. MSF desalination plant. This is a proven method and has been in service for the last three decades. The pressure applied is high enough to overcome the osmotic pressure of the dissolved salt in feed solution. In desalination , the cost of fuel or input energy is a major contribution to the overall production cost.

Since, the desalination processes are energy intensive, they are normally associated with power generation systems as a dual purpose plant. UK for the supply of drinking water. Exchange of membrane is necessary. Pretreatment is necessary There is membrane degradation by fouling.
Establishment of Water Reuse Promotion Center. With the advances in the RO technology and the declined capital and OM costs of this process , brackish groundwater may become a competitive potential water resource to compensate for potable water demand in the country. The process renders such otherwise unusable waters fit for human consumption, irrigation, industrial applications, and various other purposes. MSF) multistage flash evaporation A desalination process where a stream of brine flows through the bottom of chambers, or stages, each operating at a successively lower pressure, and a proportion of it flashes into steam and is then condensed.

The evaporation and condensation steps are coupled to each other in several stages so that the latent heat of evaporation is recovered for reuse by preheating incoming water (Figure 1-2). WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES – Vol. Distillation is the oldest and most commonly used method of desalination. Desalination by distillation. Thermoeconomics analysis provides information about the cost formation process and the flow of costs in the system.
Following is a brief overview of several common desalination technologies. Related processes are also used for water softening and wastewater reclamation. The principal desalination technologies in use are reverse osmosis (RO), and distillation. TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF DESALINATION PLANT 7. Improve the performance ratio PR.
Develop high temperature antiscalant. Reduce design fouling factor. For brackish water desalination , RO and another desalination process called electrodialysis (ED) are both competitive.
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