Monday, March 23, 2020

How does pollution affect our life

How does pollution affect life? One way that pollution affects our lives in that it in an increase of free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals help to speed up the aging process and increase the risk of certain cancers. If you exercise outdoors, you are even more at risk.

At peak times of day the air we breathe in can be quite unhealthful. This might help you understand recycling more.

We recycle because of these reasons: 1. Saves Natural Resources - By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil. Air pollution affects our agriculture production by :- 1. H of the soil could cause roots and stem damage to plants. Low production and it would react with fertilizers cause more extensive damage. The leaves become clog causing. These contaminants can have dire effects on entire ecosystems, making life more difficult for humans, plants and animals.

Children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to the health effects from these toxins. Water pollution affects marine life which is one of our food sources.

Remember the stories of contaminated shellfish and how those who ate them died? We live in an ecosystem where the action of one has the potential to affect the many. This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on what the action is. The most common effect of water pollution on human beings is disease.

Drinking water contaminated by disease-carrying micro-organisms, also known as pathogens, cause various waterborne diseases, such as typhoi dysentery, hepatitis and cholera. Chemical pollutants , industrial waste deposits. It has been proven that air quality affects human health. Living in a pollution-free environment signifies a better quality of life , but do we really know how air pollution affects us and which parts of our bodies are damaged by each kind of polluting particle?

Growth and concentration of the population in cities, as well as the way in which we consume energy in urban areas through transport or heating and air conditioning. Every day, toxic chemicals are entering our oceans. These toxic chemicals have either been dumped on purpose from industrial sources or naturally flow off land and directly into our rivers and streams, which eventually end up in our oceans. Ocean pollution comes in many forms, but the largest factor affecting the oceans is plastic.

Over the last decade, we have produced more plastic than we have in the last 1years. This sharp increase in plastic entering our waters harms not only marine life but also humanity. The ocean is full of an endless array of potential food sources for the aquatic dwellers. Food Safety Many toxic pollutants enter plants from contaminated soil. So how does water pollution affect our health?

Waterborne diseases account for the deaths of 570people a year. The oil pollutes beaches, water and plant life , which impacts animals in many ways.

Reduced or impaired reproduction, cancer, neurological damage and more susceptibility to disease are common effects long after oil spills have been cleaned up. The health of wildlife, plant life and human life are decreasing enormously. Our factories and our vehicles are poisoning the air.

It, affects our reproductive system, our lungs, and it can affect the birth defects our children have. In our everyday life we have contact with pollution and rubbish. The wild world around us is dying all the time.

The vast tree areas are cut out. People are guilty of such situation although later they suffer. There are numerous waterborne diseases. For years man has been polluting our vast resource of oceans, not expecting to ever cause harm to them.

Pollution , smoke from factory chimneys,. Unfortunately, they were wrong. Our oceans and other waterways have become a poisonous playground of garbage, chemicals, and sewage. It doesn’t normally spring to mind as a disease causer, but noise can actually produce a host of adverse effects on physical health and overall psychological well-being. Many aspects of our lives are affected including our sleep, concentration, communication, and recreation.

Of the most devastating elements of this pollution is that plastics takes thousands of years to decay. As a result, fish and wildlife are becoming intoxicated. Consequently the toxins from the plastics have entered the food chain, threatening human health.

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